Apaya, judulnya agak...... imoed :3
Jadi tadi gue lagi agak sedikit hmm a little bit dissapointed gitu, lagi nggak mood haha terus abis itu Vera dateng terus bilang "Vanda dapet salam dari Mifta" ".......awkay" diem bentar si Vera, abis itu "katanya I love you" Ok pas denger gitu, gue tau gue lebay, gue langsung yang seneng gitu -_- Loncat loncat gitu mood gue langsung berubah. Those magical three-words emang deh paling cihuy :p Dari hal sekecil itu aja gue udah bisa seneng banget, kenapa? Nggak tau. Ya berarti, nggak butuh sesuatu yang ribet kalo cuma titip salam pake pesen kayak gitu udah bikin gue seneng ya kan. I love you too Mifta, awet yaa
Nice to meet you!
Thanks for visiting this blog, readers! Let's read those posts that related with all stories happened in my life. My life is just the same like what you had. I hope you will get inspired :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wrote by Magnulia Semiavanda at 5/14/2009 06:48:00 AM
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