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Thanks for visiting this blog, readers! Let's read those posts that related with all stories happened in my life. My life is just the same like what you had. I hope you will get inspired :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


MASA KAN GUE NGISI KUIS AVI HAHAHAHA YANG BETUL CUMA 1 -_______________- Malu nget, malu ba, malu ngetba, malu banget. Salah semua cuma 1 yang bener. Beneran nih dia bilang quiz gue susah, quiz gue susah quiz lo apa Avi????? Gapapa deh 14%, emang berarti gue jodohnya sama 14 HAHAHA 14 APAAAA? 14 kan tanggal jadian gue sama Mifta :p