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Thursday, July 16, 2009


Mifta aku butuh kamu, SEKARANG

Ive to tell you something about tomorrow, hope you'll help me to find out the best way. Please mif, ive no idea :'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''( Aku bingung banget bangetan aku nggak mau dipanggil lagi, aku takut mif, aku takut banget. Aku kan bingung mif gimana dong aduh kalo lagi kayak gini aku butuuuuuh banget sama kamu, pengen banget hp kamu cepet balik tau nggak mif huhuhuhu really ive no idea, walopun kamu emang gak terlalu sering bantuin aku tapi tolong ya bantuin aku aku panik banget daritadi........................... Takut